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Tiers list and Best Factions in Age of Sigmar

What Age of sigmar tier list ?

Find the Best performing factions in Age of Sigmar competitive events, Sort them by number of podiums or by tiers lists. Ranking based on the last 785 army lists entered into the lists database check the Aos Lists Database page for all the lists details

Each faction gains 1 point for every podium finish (top3). This data reflects podium finishes for each faction without weighting for their event representation. Tiers goes from SSS (top tier) to D (bottom tier) and are based on numbers of podiums to reach S tiers and more the faction have to dominate a lot around 10% of the podiums to reach S

  • seraphon


    Podium Score : 35

    Tier: A

  • blades of khorne

    blades of khorne

    Podium Score : 34

    Tier: A

  • gloomspite gitz

    gloomspite gitz

    Podium Score : 33

    Tier: A

  • ossiarch bonereapers

    ossiarch bonereapers

    Podium Score : 33

    Tier: A

  • orruk warclans

    orruk warclans

    Podium Score : 32

    Tier: A

  • soulblight gravelords

    soulblight gravelords

    Podium Score : 32

    Tier: A

  • maggotkin of nurgle

    maggotkin of nurgle

    Podium Score : 30

    Tier: A

  • lumineth realm lords

    lumineth realm lords

    Podium Score : 24

    Tier: B

  • sons of behemat

    sons of behemat

    Podium Score : 24

    Tier: B

  • stormcast eternals

    stormcast eternals

    Podium Score : 23

    Tier: B

  • slaves to darkness

    slaves to darkness

    Podium Score : 21

    Tier: B

  • cities of sigmar

    cities of sigmar

    Podium Score : 19

    Tier: B

  • skaven


    Podium Score : 17

    Tier: B

  • sylvaneth


    Podium Score : 17

    Tier: B

  • idoneth deepkin

    idoneth deepkin

    Podium Score : 17

    Tier: B

  • kharadron overlords

    kharadron overlords

    Podium Score : 16

    Tier: B

  • nighthaunt


    Podium Score : 15

    Tier: B

  • ogor mawtribes

    ogor mawtribes

    Podium Score : 15

    Tier: B

  • disciples of tzeentch

    disciples of tzeentch

    Podium Score : 11

    Tier: B

  • flesh-eater courts

    flesh-eater courts

    Podium Score : 10

    Tier: B

  • hedonites of slaanesh

    hedonites of slaanesh

    Podium Score : 8

    Tier: C

  • beasts of chaos

    beasts of chaos

    Podium Score : 8

    Tier: C

  • fireslayers


    Podium Score : 6

    Tier: C

  • daughters of khaine

    daughters of khaine

    Podium Score : 5

    Tier: C

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